Salvage Youth

What I Did

- Game Play: Designed and implemented prototype versions of all of the kid's unique abilities (Fix Machines, Sprint, Lift/Throw, Fire Bullets at the mouse cursor's position) and implemented the Sprint, Lift/Throw, and Fire Bullet abilities.

- Multiple Camera Target Switch Triggers: Designed and implemented triggers that, when entered by a specified game object, can either add and/or remove camera targets that the player can switch between. Has option to automatically toggle to the first added camera target after an adjustable amount of time has passed.

- Lane Change Triggers: Designed and implemented triggers that allow the designers to specify where on a level a controllable character can switch between different z-depths (or lanes as I call them) when they enter them and prevent them from changing lanes after they exit them. Designers can specify between which two or three lanes the player can switch between in the Inspector, which updates the size of the trigger in real time to cover the applicable area.

- Stat Tracking using Lumos Analytics: Researched and integrated the Lumos Unity module into our game for easy-to-use tracking of game play statistics.

- Light Mapping: Baked the light maps in to the first level to gain a 20% frame rate improvement.

- Modified iTween Gizmos: Tweaked core iTween module code to allow all iTween path nodes to be moved together by just moving the attached game object. Initially, each path node had to be moved individually, which was really annoying.

- Source Control: Weighed all source control options to select the optimal choice that allowed for the smallest necessary code checkouts.

My Role On The Team
- Technical Director: Wrote the Technical Design Document. Managed the integration of all builds into the master build. Oversaw code design of all major game play components.
- Lead Programmer: Designed and implemented nearly all of the code used in the game's alpha build and most of the additional tools, tweaks, and game play mechanics in the final build.


Visit the game's website here.

Look more into the game's development in the official blog here.